These are open to the public and used to share news and resources we deem relevant to consumers and/or industry, including content created by EliteInsure Ltd, or by others. Content that is shared to the public may also include posts that are purposed to acknowledge and give respect to public events.

Terms and use for Social Media Accounts

Before you engage with us through social media channels — Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn— we encourage you to read our terms of use below. By using or accessing our social media pages, you are considered to have consented to the conditions of use of the particular social media channel and our individual page or account. These terms of use apply to all our social media channels and tools, unless otherwise specified.

How we use social media and for what purpose

Our social media platforms are maintained and monitored by our internal management and compliance team.

We have accounts on the following sites:

These are open to the public and used to share news and resources we deem relevant to consumers and/or industry, including content created by EliteInsure Ltd, or by others. Content that is shared to the public may also include posts that are purposed to acknowledge and give respect to public events.

We also use our social media accounts to promote EliteInsure and its people and EliteInsure Careers and may also use them to research and/or contact people or organizations.

Any third-party views expressed via our social media accounts, whether in our posts or in public comments, are solely those of the person or entity making them. Sharing or failing to remove such posts or comments does not amount to our endorsement.

We may follow/like organisations or individuals that are relevant to our organisation. This does not imply endorsement or guarantee the accuracy of their information.

How we moderate and respond to public comments and private messages

We welcome feedback and discussion on our social media pages, but we monitor posts and comments to maintain community standards.

EliteInsure has a right to moderate and delete comments that:

  • Are offensive (for instance contain obscenity or profanity, personal attacks or unreasonable criticism or EliteInsure, its staff or others).
  • Are irrelevant.
  • Contain political, commercial, or sales/promotional material.
  • Share an individual’s personal information.
  • Negatively impact on the perception of EliteInsure’s neutrality (for example, if the comments are perceived to promote or deride a market participant).
  • Post from an account deemed likely to be fake or anonymous.
  • Are otherwise deemed inappropriate.

Our social media accounts are not an appropriate place to make complaints about our company, our services, people working for us and about our social media accounts or activities. If you have a complaint, please click this link below:

Any concerns or complaints sent to us will be treated in confidence and managed in accordance with our process for managing complaints.

To protect your security and privacy, please do not share any personal or sensitive information when commenting or posting on our social media pages.

EliteInsure expressly disclaims any responsibility, and no right of action shall arise against EliteInsure or its employees and contractors either directly or indirectly because of any views or information contained on or shared by our social media pages.

We reserve the right to report and remove (as appropriate) any posts or comments that do not comply with the following rules (links can be searched by the names below):

Private or direct messages

You may choose to voluntarily provide information privately or via direct message through our social media channels. This information may be viewable by account administrators, and our staff (as appropriate).

Any information you provide to us privately or via direct message will be held by EliteInsure. As to how we use and protect your information, please read our Privacy Policy by clicking the link below:

EliteInsure monitors and responds to private or d or requesting information following contact irect messages. If you are making an enquiry, regarding your cover or our se details below:

Phone: 0508 123 467

For further information, visit our website by clicking the link below:


27C Mauranui Avenue, Epsom, Auckland 1051, New Zealand

0508 123 467  |

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Disclaimer: Eliteinsure LTD. makes every effort to ensure that the information provided on our website is accurate and up-to- date. However, the information and the availability of this information are subject to regular review and no warranty or representation can be provided regarding the accuracy of such information. Eliteinsure LTD. does not accept liability for any losses or damage arising directly or indirectly from reliance on the information.